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While michael scott is saying goodbye to the office, and ending the show as we know it, i can’t help but be excited about the upcoming arrival of will farrell. I just hope he is as funny as i want his role to be! Check it out HERE.


WORST: I love Jenna Fischer, no really, i do. I think she is hilarious, but really Jenna? Super matronly and she’s only 36, apparently going on 76. Color and cut are NOT doing it for me. The color makes me feel sad, like as sad as i am that Michael Scott is leaving The Office… But i will give her a little credit for makeup and hair.

BEST: Mila Kunis,i just love this Alexander McQueen dress and she rocked it. Not too many accessories and understated hair and makeup make this a winner for me. Red was definitely in this year on the red carpet. Can’t wait for the Oscars!

WANTED TO LOVE: and would without the black belt, harsh makeup, clunky shoes and too slicked hair! The dress itself is enough without all the extras. But i like the punch of color that Jennifer Lawrence brought to the red carpet. But hey, i’m a sucker for pink!